Annett T. Block teach Facebook Advertising

How to Use Facebook Effectively to Build Your Real Estate Pipeline

September 24, 20243 min read

Use Facebook Effectively to Build Your Real Estate Pipeline

Here’s the truth: Facebook works. With the right strategy, just about any marketing method can work. Door knocking works. Open houses work. Facebook ads? They absolutely work...if you do it the right way.

But here’s where most agents get it wrong: they jump straight into Facebook ads focused on leads, leads, leads. That approach might generate names and numbers, but it won’t build relationships, and relationships are where the real magic happens.

If I were using Facebook to grow my real estate business, here’s exactly what I’d do.

Step 1: Build Your Community First

Instead of chasing leads right out of the gate, focus on building your audience. Start with videos that introduce yourself to the market you want to dominate. Keep it broad at first, share who you are, what you do, and why you’re passionate about helping people buy or sell homes in your area.

The goal here is simple: to get people to watch your videos. Video is the most affordable and effective way to identify your audience. Facebook tracks who watches your videos and for how long, allowing you to pinpoint people who are actually interested in what you’re saying.

Why video? Because most agents still avoid it, which gives you a massive edge. Plus, it’s an authentic way to connect with potential clients and showcase your personality.

Step 2: Create Local, Valuable Content

Once you’ve introduced yourself, start sharing content that highlights your expertise and knowledge of the community. Think hyper-local:

  • Neighborhood spotlights

  • Upcoming events

  • Tips for buyers and sellers specific to your area

You’re not pitching; you’re providing value. You’re showing up as the agent who knows the market, the neighborhoods, and the needs of your audience. This positions you as a trusted local expert.

Step 3: Nurture Relationships Over Time

This is where most agents fail, they expect immediate results. Real estate isn’t about making a sale today; it’s about building a pipeline for tomorrow. Use Facebook to stay top of mind by consistently showing up in your audience’s feed.

Your videos and posts should speak directly to your ideal client. Maybe you’re targeting first-time homebuyers, empty nesters, or distressed sellers. Whoever it is, tailor your message to resonate with their needs and problems.

Facebook ads allow you to retarget people who’ve already engaged with your content. So, if someone watched a two-minute video you posted last week, you can follow up with another ad that speaks to them directly. This is how you stay relevant and keep building that relationship—before they’re even ready to buy or sell.

Step 4: Convert When They’re Ready

Here’s the beauty of this strategy: by the time someone reaches out, they already feel like they know you. They’ve seen your videos. They’ve learned from your posts. They trust you.

You’re not chasing cold leads, you’re attracting warm prospects who already believe you can solve their problems. That’s the power of building relationships through content.

Stop Restarting Your Pipeline

Most agents get a lead, close the deal, and then scramble to find the next one. It’s a constant cycle of starting from scratch. But when you use Facebook strategically, your pipeline is always growing.

With as little as $5 a day, you can run ads that work 24/7, introducing you to new prospects while you’re out showing homes or closing deals. It’s a system that works consistently, so you’re never left wondering, What’s next?

Real Estate Is a Marketing Business

The days of old-school, hard-sell tactics are over. Real estate isn’t just a sales business anymore—it’s a marketing business. You need to attract clients, not chase them.

Facebook gives you the tools to do exactly that. By focusing on community, building relationships, and consistently showing up with value, you position yourself as the agent people want to work with.

Thank you for reading and feel free to share.


I'm Annett, embracing tomorrow by Building Real Estate Businesses for the Modern Social World, One Agent Per Market to Own Your Market,  Build Your Brand, Create Your Legacy, Or Stay A Commodity.

Annett T. Block

I'm Annett, embracing tomorrow by Building Real Estate Businesses for the Modern Social World, One Agent Per Market to Own Your Market, Build Your Brand, Create Your Legacy, Or Stay A Commodity.

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